The #everyBODYcampaign -- a movement for anyone who has ever felt less-than.

We are thrilled to present our newest project: the everyBODY campaign! Inspired by the lack of diversity within the fashion industry and even the body positivity movements, we decided the world deserved more. So here it is. This movement is intended to create a platform for folks to speak candidly about their experiences with body image, and encourage people to loudly and visibly love themselves. Exactly as they are. It all starts with a black unisex bodysuit, for everybody. If you're wondering: This is for you. Welcome to the everyBODY family. 

The everyBODY campaign -- for everyone who has ever felt less-than.
PDX Montly Magazine

Winter is upon us and with that comes the season of gifting. As a community we come together to share stories, gifts, and hopes for tomorrow. Our friends at Portland Monthly Magazine have given us the gift of press coverage! Endless thanks- give this article a peek! - and stop by our Pop-Up Shop ;)

360 Magazine

Check this out, 360 magazine posted a rad little thing on us, 'cause they know we're cool. We'll be attending the Pool Tradeshow in Vegas! Stop by our booth if you'e also attending and wanna get a little #dfrnt. ;) Booth #25219. 

Tabi Labo

Hey check it out! We have a really great write up on Tabi Labo a Japanese fashion and lifestyle blog. Hit the link to read more. Don't worry, there is a translate option.



This one is so cool! The awesome folks at wrote a great article about us! Go on brush your shoulders off gang. We are so happy to be receiving so much positive response. Send us your feed back and inform our design process.

This manifesto makes us want to team up with these kids and take on the world together!

Take a moment to read the full article then join us in our global take over. ;)

The Oregonian 4/30

No you're not seeing doubles, the Oregonian ran two articles talking towards dfrntpigeon! Writer Samantha Swindler is an ace with the pen and a tremendous sleuth. We encourage you to reach this great article.

But there’s another side to the pigeon. It’s been an object of religious veneration, a war hero and a prized pet.

Catch the whole story here.

Fast Company

Wow, humble ol' dfrntpigeon was written up in Fast Company! What an honor and well worded article. Big shout out and props to Olivia one of dfrntpigeon's key members. Please give it a read. 

Through the Portland-based dfrntpigeon, young people at risk of homelessness channel their creative energy into designing clothes–and learn crucial business skills in the process.

Follow the link to get the whole story.

OPB: Think Out Loud
"The new streetwear t-shirt design company dfrntpigeon, run by at-risk and homeless youth, is launching a new product line about identity. The non-profit New Avenues for Youth teamed up with the branding company AKQA to mentor the young people. Ginny Golden, Group Creative Director with AKQA, and Olivia and Dani from dfrntpigeon, join us."
Oregon Live!

Hey check this out! The Oregonian has a wonderful article about dfrntpigeon!

Why the name dfrntpigeon? Pigeons are the hangers on in the fringes, the city pests you ignore on the sidewalk. These are labels marginalized youth have faced in their own lives, and they’re ready to prove they are much more.

Follow the link to get the whole article.